​Get Involved
Learn more about how you can get involved with the Vietnamese community in the Greater Boston area and abroad while studying at Harvard. We have complied a list of wonderful opportunities available for Harvard students who are interested to work, volunteer, and serve the Vietnamese community during their time at Harvard.

After School Teaching Program
A mix of both BRYE 1-2-1 and BRYE tutoring: academic tutoring and a mentoring relationship. Volunteers lead small enrichment classrooms and design their own curriculum that is meant to be more hands-on and out-of-the-box than traditional homework help. The program will also take 1-2 fun field trips per semester!

​Summer Urban Program
Summer Camp
A seven-week summer camp that combats summer learning loss among low-income urban youth. SUP is composed of 12 community-based camps, and BRYE is one of them! Overall, SUP provides academic instruction and summer recreation to 800+ children (BRYE serves around 90 kids), mostly aged 6-13, but there is a site that serves students aged 14-19.

Partnering Empowering Neighborhood (PEN)
ESL Teaching Program
Works with adult immigrants in the Dorchester (Vietnamese-speaking) communities to give them the English skills they need to survive and succeed in the U.S. Learning English is crucial for recent immigrants in everything from finding jobs to becoming citizens. Student volunteers will be trained in teaching ESL (no previous teaching experience or Vietnamese knowledge is required) and commit to teaching once a week.